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GS   Wolff, Samuel R. “Archaeology in Israel.” American Journal of Archaeology 100/4 (1996): 732-733.

GS   ---. “Ashkelon (Afridar).” In: “Archaeology in Israel.” American Journal of Archaeology 98/3 (1994): 486-487.

WC  Yekutieli, Yuval. “The Early Bronze Age IA of Southwestern Canaan.” In: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse. Chicago, IL 2001, 659-688.

WC  Younger, K. Lawson. “Yahweh at Ashkelon and Calah? Yahwistic Names in Neo-Assyrian.” Vetus Testamentum 52/2 (2002): 207-218.

WC  Zelin, Alexey. “Ashqelon, Barnea’.” Excavations and Surveys in Israel 113 (2001): 108*-109*.

WC  ---. “Ashqelon, Barnea’.” Excavations and Surveys in Israel 114 (2002): 86*-87*.


PhD Dissertations

WC  Aja, Adam J. "Philistine Domestic Architecture in the Iron Age I." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2009.

WC  Baker, Jill L. "The Middle and Late Bronze Age Tomb Complex at Ashkelon, Israel: The Architecture and the Funeral Kit." Ph.D. diss., Brown University, 2003.

WC  Barako, Tristan. "The Seaborne Migration of the Philistines." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2001.

WC  Ben-Shlomo, David. Pottery Production Centers in Iron Age Philistia: An Archaeological and Archeometric Study (Ph.D. diss.): Jerusalem 2005.

WC  Burke, Aaron. The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements of the Levant during the Middle Bronze Age (Ph.D. diss.): Chicago 2004.

WC  Di Segni, Leah. Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine from the Roman and Byzantine Periods (Ph.D. diss.): 1-2. Jerusalem 1997.

WC  Hoffman, Tracy L. "Ascalon 'Arus Al Sham: Domestic Architecture and the Development of a Byzantine-Islamic City." Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2003.

WC  Lipovitch, David. "Can These Bones Live Again? An Analysis of the Persian Period Non-Candid Mammalian Faunal Remains from Tel Ashkelon." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 1999.

WC  Master, Daniel. "The Seaport of Ashkelon in the Seventh Century BCE: A Petrographic Study." Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2001.

Voulgaridis, George. Les ateliers monetaires de Ptolemais- ‘Akko et d’Ascalon sous la domination Seleucide, 1-2 (Ph.D. diss.): Strasbourg 2000.

WC  Yasur-Landau, Assaf. Social Aspects of Aegean Settlement in the Southern Levant in the End of the 2nd Millennium BCE (Ph.D. diss.): Tel Aviv 2002.