Day Five

The end of Week One was marked by a cold, damp, foggy morning more suitable for London then Ashkelon. 

Here, the total station stands as a silent sentry as the fog rolls in blanketing us in a gray, misty sky.  And then it burned off and the day got hot.

In Grid 38 today, they were busy dismantling walls, finding figurines and discovering the walls they were excavating were actually the walls of a large drain.

In Grid 47, there was more evidence for the third wall.  Though heavily damaged, in one segment it was completely cut during the construction of a water cistern, it is still there, inching closer to the stage wall.

In Grid 51, they excavated whole vessels found in a Hellenistic period street and they are attacking the early Hellenistic period with gusto. 

Stay tuned for a longer blog entry this weekend -- with lots of pictures of loved ones -- once some computer issues are resolved.