Day Eighteen

It is crazy how fast time is flying!  Hard to believe the end of the third week is almost upon us.  Friday we will say good-bye to some of our volunteers, those who are here for the first half-season and Saturday we will welcome those joining us for the last three weeks of the season.  Sunday we will also welcome our patron Shelby White and her friends as they join us for a week of excavation.

Today was our second annual Community Day.  Each summer a select group of 25 middle school students is invited to spend a day digging with us.  While on site they learn about the history and archaeology of Ashkelon. 

This year, Grid 51 had 12 students, Grid 47 14 students and Grid 38 three students.  In each excavation area, the Israeli students were paired with excavation volunteers who taught them about excavation methodology (three weeks in and our guys definitely feel like pros), identified objects (usually bone, glass or ceramics) and then indulged the request for a guffa chain.  At least in Grid 47.  It was a fun day for everyone and much fun was had by all.




 The students worked on a variety of projects today.  Some worked on dismantling a mosaic floor.  Another group worked on excavating a levelling fill -- a large layer of dirt laid down in preparation for the construction of new walls -- where two lucky students uncovered a whole juglet.  The students in Grid 38 found a fabulous piece of Philistine bichrome. 

Stay tuned for pictures from Grids 38 and 51 over the next couple of days!