Day Thirty-Nine

Who says archaeology isn't fun?  Not Pascal!  Fun things are always found at the end.  The amphora at left is an East Greek Persian Period amphora.

Today Grid 51 worked on removing their sandbag staircase so that it won't mar their final photos.  A little sweeping tomorrow and they will be good to go.

Grid 38 swept today and are ready to go.  Tomorrow is a compound day for them.  The highlight of Grid 38s day was Grid Prom.  The festivities were mighty and included a field trip to Grid 47 where they showed off their prom outfits.

By the way, I was asked to create thumbnails so that readers could see larger images.  So to the right, is a view of Grid 38 all dolled up and ready for prom.  No doubt about it, the highlight of the sartorial splendor on parade was Jacob.  There is pictoral proof.  Unfortunately, it lies sideways so I will try to find another copy to share with everyone.


I had a request for a larger copy of Dr. Walton's contribution to the blog.  Here it is!  Enjoy!