Day Ten
As promised, Grid 38. First a picture of Adam Aja, from the Harvard Semitic Museum and one of the summer school instructors, working with a student in the Harvard summer school program, one in the Wheaton summer school program and a volunteer. Together he and the volunteers excavated a square pit full of pottery. In the second shot, Wylie writes notes as a group of volunteers excavate a street.
Today in Grid 51 they uncovered a stamped amphora, continued work in the street and excavated two surfaces with broken vessels smashed on them.
And in Grid 44 we opened a second 5 x 10 meter area and started working our way through topsoil layers. In our existing square, we continued to uncover more architecture further complicating our already dense stratigraphy.
The weather continues to be wonderful and not too hot. This is good news as we have a long six day work week ahead of us.