Preseason Day Eighteen

The day started out quietly enough, the wheelbarrows standing at the ready. Within moments the quiet was shattered as grid supervisors Kate and Josh raced to pick their preferred tools...

Well, it really wasn't all that cutthroat, we like each other too much. The empty wheelbarrows didn't stay that way for long as we apportioned everything from guffahs and buckets, and picks and trowels to dustpans and brooms. Kate and I would both like to thank Josh who very generously allowed us to take the guffahs. All he asked in return was to use Lady Hester Stanhope, the pick of choice, for the summer. Happily, we agreed.

The process was not without its moments of concern as you can see with Kate's inspection of the pick she has in hand.

All in all, things went smoothly and we are well prepared for Sunday's start. 4:30 for wake up, 5:00 for the bus! Should be fun!

Remember, you still have a little time to let Robyn know which shuttle you would like to be on Saturday. See you tomorrow!
