Day 38
It's not over yet! What a fabulous day in the field.
Grid 44 finished excavating today. Tomorrow we will start cleaning in preparation for final photos on Friday. Our dump was visited by the expedition today as we looked for a good place in which to take our group photo. I'm going to include a picture of us milling around for everyone to see and enjoy. See if you can find a familiar face.
Grid 51 is dropping their baulks and the street looks fabulous. I think they are finishing off a few floors and then they'll be in the compound helping with inventory.
Great things happening in Grid 38 where they are finding lots of wonderful things: a complete ivory Pyxis, an ivory "wand" (it looks like a long needle/pin but we'll see what the specialists say) and a piece of jewelry. Everything is from the Late Bronze Age. One thing is for sure, 38 is planning on going out in style.