Volunteers and staff in the field aren't the only ones at work during the dig week. The pottery compound is actually quite busy during the day. The registrars run things making sure everyone has the supplies they need, welcoming expected visitors, and processing all the objects that we find during the dig day.
The bright light visible in the corner behind the registrars is the light from the microarchaeologist's work area. Bridget has some very interesting equipment about which I might be able to get her to tell us more in the future.
A member of the archaeobotany team at work.
In addition to the registrars and the microarchaeologist, other specialists and scholars work on their projects in the compound. Here, for instance, is one of our archaeobotanists working on processing and storing botanical samples. Today, we also had some scholars come look at Persian period figurines.
And finally, the big news of the week is that Grid 16 has some architecture and the verdict is in -- it's a sewer! Congratulations to Grid 16.
Grid 16 volunteer excavating sewer
I spoke withe Denys about the Snake Tower today and he tells me they have a new wall where they didn't expect to find one. I'll try to get up there tomorrow to check it out.