Looks like a big pile of stones, right? Well, that tells only half the story. What makes this "pile of stones" so interesting is that it consists of a number of wall fragments -- walls that were once cemented together -- some of which still have their plaster facing in place. They are a surprising, and interesting, find because such stones were prized building materials and we seldom find them abandoned and unused. These stones were, in fact, buried under a large leveling fill and completely ignored. We hope to learn more about them as we continue to expose more in the coming days. Were they part of a building that was demolished? Did the building they come from collapse in a natural event such as an earthquake? If we're lucky, we'll be able to answer these and many other questions.
Grid 16
The week continues to be a busy one as each grid is deep into their material. I hope to walk the site tomorrow to take photos of each excavation area to catch up on everyone's progress. One thing you can be sure of, each area is going to go deeper.