During the 1987 field season Grid 38 was split into upper and lower, Grid 50 expanded, Grid 57 went deeper, Grid 37 wound down and Grids 64 and 71 were opened and excavated for a single season.
Bath and apsidal building in Grid 38
In Grid 38U, it was all Roman period as excavation uncovered the remains of a bath and a large apsidal building.
Grid 50
Grid 50 expanded in 1987, adding new squares to the excavation area. The more they dug, the more excavators encountered what would become one of the most fascinating discoveries made at Ashkelon; the dog burials.
Dog burial in Grid 50
In Grid 37, excavation of the large Islamic period house first uncovered in 1986 continued. The highlight of the season was finding more pieces of gold filigree jewelry, several pieces of which were found in 1986. Today, the jewelry is on display in the Israel Museum.
In the southwestern corner of the site, off the South Tell, excavators found a building at the base of the large earthwork mound on which the medieval fortifications stand in Grid 64.
Grid 64
We're digging in 2016! Check back soon for more information on our last season of excavation.