During the 1990s, it was not uncommon for grids to dress in costume and put on small-scale theatrical productions during Tell Tours. The picture below is a fun one. Can you identify the grid and/or the grid supervisor as well as the dig photographer? (The picture caption gives you a hint.)
Roman bath
In the previous "blast from the past," the photograph was of Aaron Brody standing in Grid 9 Square 38, an area that was opened in 1993. It was excavated for two seasons and produced one of the largest collections of Under-Glaze Painted Ware ceramics on site. What are UGPW ceramics, you wonder? Check back to learn more.
I am overdue on starting with our dig retrospective -- it's coming soon.
Most importantly, we are still digging and accepting volunteer applications for the 2015 field season. Planning is well under way and we anticipate another exciting season. Half and full season programs are available.