A little Ashkelon news as we continue to prepare for the rapidly approaching 2015 field season.
Josh Walton standing at the top of Grid 16
Congratulations to Dr. Joshua Walton, supervisor of Grid 16, who successfully defended his dissertation this month.
Applications are in and with the first wave of supervisors heading over in just five weeks, preparations are well under way for the upcoming season. This will be the second year of excavation in Grid 16 where work will continue to investigate the occupational sequence on the North Tell.
Work will continue in Grid 51 where excavation should uncover further evidence for the 604 destruction of the city.
Supervisors Kate Birney and Jonathan Wylie discuss stratigraphy
Finally, we will be opening a new area near last season's salvage excavation in a hunt for the Roman period cardo.
So, what about the accommodations in 1985? Well, this is what they look like today:
Campground where excavation members stayed in 1985
What a difference 30 years make. Obviously, it didn't look like this when the excavation was housed in the campground during the 1985 field season. The location couldn't be beat but the excavation stayed here only one year before moving down the street to the Shulamit Gardens Hotel.