We are back in Ashkelon! Yesterday was all about staying awake long enough to attempt sleeping through the night.
Today, we got down to work. First up, taking a look at the pottery compound. Gimi did a lot of cleaning ahead of our arrival so we focused on allocating spaces for specialists -- everyone from the zooarchaeologists to the microarchaeology team -- pottery reading, registration, and more.
We also took in our two new mobile offices.
Mobile office which replaced Container 9A
One office will be used by the GIS and microarchaeology teams, while the second will be used by staff members working on publication projects. These two spaces replace our lab which we closed down last year.
Ben also took inventory of the dig computers and got to work updating them for the season. This is a lengthy process, particularly with no internet in the compound as of yet, and will likely take several days to complete.
Table of sorted computers with the second mobile office in the background
The start of the 2015 field season is less then two weeks away!