How quickly does the park reclaim shuttered excavation areas?
Grid 23
We last excavated Grid 23 in 2008. Over the course of three seasons we uncovered an occupational sequence from the Hellenistic through the Crusader period. The centerpiece was a likely insula with units that shrank and expanded as the structure was renovated and rebuilt repeatedly. Today, after the winter's torrential rains, it is a beautiful garden.
Grid 47
Grid 47 was last excavated in 2012 and last cleaned in 2013. Over the course of five seasons of excavation we uncovered a Roman period odeon, as well as other architecture, and confirmed the results of John Garstang's excavations in the 1920s. The park may have free reign here now, but the odeon is scheduled for restoration. In a few years this area will look completely different.
The dingy sky in the photo? Khamsin. Happily, today is sunny and in the 70s with a fine breeze blowing. A great day to end the week.