Preseason Day 12

Walked through the old neighborhood yesterday and there were a lot of familiar sights. The Dan Gardens Hotel, home to the expedition from 1986 until mid-season 2014, still stands. It's empty right now but will soon, it is believed, undergo a major renovation.

Dan Gardens Hotel in Ashkelon

Dan Gardens Hotel in Ashkelon

Bigger changes are afoot at the old Ashkelon Excavations Lab which is clearly already in the midst of a major renovation. 

Old Ashkelon Lab.

Old Ashkelon Lab.

Today we opened Grid 32, expanded Grid 16, repaired the fence in Grid 51, and continued making progress sorting and analyzing pottery. Tomorrow is the annual tool draft, the final organization of the pottery compound and preparation for the arrival of volunteers on Saturday. Our first 4:30 am morning rapidly approaches and with it the official start of our season.