It's the last day! The first shuttle taking volunteers to the airport leaves in 10 minutes. What a remarkable season. You've heard a lot about it from the expedition. Over the next few days, you'll learn more about the season from the perspectives of the Harvard Summer School students. We'll be posting their "special edition" blog posts in the coming week.
As promised, today was a day of sweeping ahead of final photos (end of season record shots), conservation (preparing the excavation areas to make it through the winter), and work in the compound. Lots and lots of work in the pottery compound. Unsurprisingly, pottery processing featured prominently.
Pottery waiting to be sorted, read and inventoried.
Before we had to make it through the last day, however, the expedition enjoyed a night of "all you can eat" ice cream at a local ice cream shop. A big thank you to Adam Aja for the idea because, as it turns out, everyone loves ice cream.
Dan, Emily and Deirdre in line waiting to select their desserts
Who wouldn't love a waffle with ice cream on top?
The Aja family enjoys ice cream AND a waffle
On behalf of the entire staff of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon I would like to thank all our volunteers for a wonderful, exciting and productive season. It is hard to imagine a season topping this one.