The conference was a great success with a number of current and former staff members of the excavation presenting papers. For those of us not presenting, the weekend passed in a blur of constant motion, from one lecture to the next. In between, we fit in as many interesting experiences as possible. First up? Repeated trips to Intelligentsia, hands down some of the best coffee in Chicago. Some were, perhaps, more excited about this than others.
The senior staff also met and discussed a number of items including, believe it or not, departure dates. The anticipation and planning begins.
SBL followed quickly on the heels of ASOR and many staff members participated in the second set of meetings as well.
Next up, the AIA meetings in January.
Want to know whether a fellow Ashkelonian will be speaking somewhere near you in the future? Be sure to check the calendar for upcoming events. It's the best place to get the most up to date information.
A big "thank you" to everyone who came to Chicago. It was a great conference.
Now for some bonus fun. See if you can identify all the current and former staff members in this picture. I'll give you a hint, there are five total.