ASOR is Here!

After a long hiatus, the blog is back in action.  It's a big week in Chicago as both the ASOR and SBL meetings are in town.  This means it is also the largest gathering of Ashkelon staff outside of Israel.  Many of the expedition staff will be giving lectures later this week.  A few of the highlights include:

Thursday morning Rafi Lewis, Ashkelon Lab Director will be giving a lecture titled "The Battles of Hattin: Locating and Reading the Material Signature of Historical Events."

Also on Thursday, Deirdra Fulton and Paula Wapnish, zooarchaeologists who work with the expedition, will be lecturing on "A Zooarchaeological Investigation of the Iron I Philistines at Ashkelon."

Friday morning, Rona Avissar Lewis, former Lab Director, is scheduled to present "Give Me Some Room: Children and Their Space in the Archaeological Record."

Also on Friday, Philip Johnston, member of the field staff, will be presenting research related to his dissertation, "Preliminary Results of a Provenance and Technological Analysis of Pottery from Southwestern Iberia (c.850-550 B.C.) Using Portable XRF, NAA and Optical Petrography."

And on Saturday, Daniel Master, Co-Director of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, will give a lecture titled, "Online Publication of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon Using the OCHRE System."

Staff members will also be presenting at SBL, the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature.  Its a busy week!

For a complete list of upcoming lectures about Ashkelon as well as those being given by Leon Levy Expedition staff members, please consult the calendar.