Day Two...
Today Grid 38 began fine griding (dividing an excavation area into 1 x 1 meter squares) floors. They are currently in Phase Twenty, the earliest Philistine layers on site. As one supervisor described it, "It's the time when the Philistines stepped off the boat." I'll be very interested to see what Josh and his crew come up with in the next few weeks.
Grid 51 finished all their cleaning today and tomorrow will continue, picking up where they left off last year, excavating their Persian period insula and street.
It is official. Today, as you see below, Ben and Emily were able to locate the new excavation area within the site. The new grid is Grid 44 Squares 2 & 3. Cleanup went faster than expected today, even with baulk cutting, and we started digging after breakfast. A big thank you to Megan who came and helped run the computer for us.