It's Friday

As always, Daniel Master offered a spirited and informative summary lecture on this season's excavation results.  One of the themes?  The city plan and how it changes over time from the Hellenistic through the Crusader period.  Another theme was the diversity of the site as represented by the different types of excavation, the different questions being asked, in each of the excavation areas.  

It's always interesting to see what everyone else is doing and then, of course, to see each excavation area's special finds.  A big thank you to the staff and volunteers this year for all their remarkable hard work to date.  Another thank you is owed to the Leonardo Hotel which, on very short notice,  hosted a wonderful party.  It will be hard to top the first four weeks but over the next two weeks we'll try.  

Everyone was up and out early today heading off to Masada, Jerusalem and places in between.  I'll try to gather pictures from people in the next couple of days to highlight some of the fun.  In the interim, a picture of Grid 51 supervisors intently examining their stratigraphy.