A field season isn't just about excavation. It's also about research projects, material culture processing and assorted processes. Lots of activity in the pottery compound on a daily basis.
Examining Roman pottery
Pottery laid out for research
Work also continues in the field. In Grid 16 it's all about moving dirt in the hunt for more mudbrick rampart.
Smiles after dumping some dirt
Grid 51 keeps excavating the last of the Persian period and inching closer and closer to the full exposure of 604.
Which to use? Patiche or trowel?
In Grid 25 there is only one question; where is the cardo? The Islamic period, the 11th c. to be precise, has been exposed. What lies underneath? Right now, sand. Almost a meter deep and virtually empty of material culture, the sand comes as a complete surprise. Will we find the cardo? Next week should tell the tale.
Excavating sand constructional fill under Islamic period walls