Today was a pottery compound day which means the entire expedition, staff and volunteers, was in the pottery compound working on a single project. Bright and early this morning, we opened container 6B and started pulling pottery crates from Grid 38. What made these crates so important was that they had not been assigned a phase. Today's project was about identifying the pottery in those crates so it could be given to the appropriate specialist. Pottery from the Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and Crusader periods was identified, sorted and restored until it is time to examine them. When we finished Grid 38, it was on to Grid 50.
Co-director Daniel Master identifies a sherd
Robyn identifies a bag of pottery
Everyone was treated to popsicles at fruit break and then, a few hours later, off for the weekend. It's been a very productive two weeks. Check back next week for pictures of the progress in each grid.