Sorting and sorting and sorting!

Today was an interesting day in Ashkelon. Instead of going to Grid 51 to dig, everyone here went to a place called the pottery compound. This is where everything that is found in the grids (pottery, beads, bones) comes. We wash it and then sort it. Today was a big sorting day. Most of the pottery we find here is broken. So we have lots of little pottery pieces, kind of like a puzzle.  I sort important parts of pottery from less important parts. An important part of pottery is a piece that can be used to tell what the object was before it was broken. I'm not going to tell you what I sorted right now, but I will tomorrow!

Several days ago I posted a video about a lamp we found in Grid 51. Annabel wrote back to me wondering if it was a Roman lamp.  It wasn't, but we do have Roman lamps here in Ashkelon!  So, just for you Annabel (but all my other friends enjoy it too!), a video on Roman oil lamps!

Junior Archaeologist Assignment:

Okay friends, archaeologists Robyn and Jon want to know what you would put on an oil lamp. Remember, designs can be about the place you live, a favorite story, or something that is pretty to look at.  Once you are finished you can take a picture and send it to me at I will post it on the blog!

Question of the day:

Look at a 3 different bowls and pots in your house. What do you think the important parts of the bowls and pots are? If the bowls and pots were to break, what about the bowl or pot would help you to know that they were bowls and not cups? 

I look forward to reading your all you have to say.  Remember to post any questions or wonders in the comments section and I can make a video just for you, too!


on 2012-06-26 14:15 by Nichole Moos

Hi Annabel, Iris, Nina and Ms. Kerrie!

Thanks for watching the Roman Lamp video. Jon and Robyn had a great time making it for you. You are all right we look at handles, rims or tops of the bowl/cup, bottoms of pottery, and color/painting on the pottery to determine what kind of object it is.  What you looked for and the differences you noticed were just what archaeologists look for.  Great thinking! We have found lots of pieces of bowls, cups, and pots. 2 of the archaeologists, Kate and Mark, are working on finding bowls, pots, and cups to make a video for you tomorrow about how they can look at pieces of the pottery and know what it is.  

Ms. Kerrie the archaeologists are mostly 23-42. Most are studying archaeology, biblical history, or geology.  All the archaeologists are either working on their master's degrees of PhDs.  They are a super smart bunch!