Day Thirteen
Friday at last! After an eventful day, a dog in 51, another floor in 38, more big walls in 44, and popsicles at fruit break, we are off to enjoy the weekend. Below, or perhaps above, you will find a picture of Lawrence Stager discussing pottery with two of his former students, co-director Daniel Master, and co-teacher of the Harvard Summer School Program Adam Aja, and one of his current students, Joshua Walton, Grid 38 supervisor.
As mentioned, Grid 51 had a dog and one of the pictures shows Ben, a student at Troy University which sends a number of students every summer, excavating the dog. The second shows Ben in conversation with Paula and Deirdra, the two staff zooarchaeologists, as they discuss various matters in the compound.
And finally, the value of having a good microscope in the compound. Today in Grid 44 we found a small blue square about the size of a tessera (a small mosaic floor tile) and perhaps one quarter the width. Looking at it with the naked eye it was clear there was writing on it and that writing looked as if it was two letters. Turns out, once we looked at it under the microscope, the writing wasn't two letters, it was two words written in Arabic. Now we just have to translate this fascinating piece.